On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 10:17 AM Pacey, Mike <m.pa...@lancaster.ac.uk>

> Hi folks,
> Does anyone have suggestions as to how to produce a summary of a user’s
> TRES resources for running jobs? I’d like to able to see how each user is
> fairing against their qos resource limits. (I’m looking for something
> functionally equivalent to Grid Engine’s qquota command). The info must be
> in the scheduler somewhere in order for it to enforce qos TRES limits, but
> as a SLURM novice I’ve not found any way to do this.
> To summarise TRES qos limits I can do this:
> % sacctmgr list qos format=Name,MaxTRESPerUser%50
>       Name                                          MaxTRESPU
> ---------- --------------------------------------------------
>     normal                                    cpu=80,mem=320G
> But to work out what a user is currently using in currently running jobs,
> the nearest I can work out is:
> % sacct -X -s R --units=G -o User,ReqTRES%50
>      User                                            ReqTRES
> --------- --------------------------------------------------
>     pacey                   billing=1,cpu=1,mem=0.49G,node=1
>     pacey                   billing=1,cpu=1,mem=0.49G,node=1
> With a little scripting I can sum those up, but there might be a neater
> way to do this?
> Regards,
> Mike

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