Hi Hans,

I work on this topic, this is my PhD subject. Here are some links :

Positioning paper, begining of my thesis :


More up to date, a study on containerization of 3 majors HPC schedulers (including SLURM) :


And even more up to date (in fact, i'm presenting the paper at 9:15 AM at SC'22 today), an application to an autoscaling containerized OAR batch scheduler in the cloud (but il should easily be extended to SLURM) :


To cut a long story short. You will have to create a Pod containing slurmctld and munge. Optionally you may have a Pod mysql and slurmdbd.

Then you have Pods containing slurmd and munge container. My advice is to use the configless mode for slurmd. It avoid to distribute and synchronize the slurm.conf. The drawback is that you have to configure munge. But it's a good trade-off, the munge key is stable during the time, the slurm.conf can change (so you have to restribute it).

Beware of the fact that slurmctld must be restarted for major topology modification (it should have been fixed in more recent release). My advice is to run slurmctld as a son of a supervise process (djb daemontools will be perfect for this https://cr.yp.to/daemontools.html). This way you can restart slurmctld without losing jobs state.

Be extra careful with network name resolution synchronisation. There is a delta between the pod creation and its resolvability. You may use initcontainers to wait for resultion be OK before starting the main container of the pod.

Feel free to reach me if you want go furether in details !

Best Regards,

Le 14/11/2022 à 09:42, Viessmann Hans-Nikolai (PSI) a écrit :
Good Morning,

I'm working on a project at work to run SLURM cluster management components
(slurmctld and slurmdbd) as K8s pods, which manage a cluster of physical compute
nodes. I've come upon a few discussions of doing this (or more generally running
SLURM in containers); I especially found this one
(see https://groups.google.com/g/slurm-users/c/uevFWPHHr2U/m/fkwusc0JDwAJ)
very helpful.

Are there any further details or advice anyone has on such a setup?

Thank you and kind regards,

Paul Scherrer Institut
Hans-Nikolai Viessmann
High Performance Computing & Emerging Technologies
Building/Room: OHSA/D02
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

Telephone: +41 56 310 41 24
E-Mail: hans-nikolai.viessm...@psi.ch
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