On 10/24/22 06:12, Richard Chang wrote:
Is there a thumb rule for the size of the directory that is NFS exported, and to be used as StateSaveLocation.

I have a two node Slurmctld setup and both will mount an NFS exported directory as the state save location.

It is definitely a BAD idea to store Slurm StateSaveLocation on a slow NFS directory! SchedMD recommends to use local NVME or SSD disks because there will be many IOPS to this file system!

I recommend you to read "Field Notes 6: From The Frontlines of Slurm Support", Jason Booth, SchedMD available from https://slurm.schedmd.com/publications.html. Read the Hardware pages 18-20 which recommend:

Fast path to the StateSaveLocation
■ IOPS this filesystem can sustain is a major bottleneck to job throughput
● At least 2 directories and two files created per job
● The corresponding unlink() calls will add to the load


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