Hello All,
I'm trying to clarify how the MaxCPUsPerNode can be configured. I'm
looking to enable my "cpu" partition to run on our GPU nodes while
ensuring there are always some cpus available for the "gpu" partition. I
know I can set the "cpu" partition to have a MaxCPUsPerNode less than
the number of available cpus on the GPU nodes to do this. However, I
don't also want to limit the number of cpus available on a CPU node
which doesn't seem possible currently because only a single partition
definition can be included in slurm.conf.
The desired configuration would be something like this
Partition Nodes #CPUs Available
cpu cpu-[01-03] 64
cpu gpu-[01-02] 32
gpu gpu-[01-02] 64
It doesn't seem possible to set a partition to limit MaxCPUsPerNode on a
per node basis. Is the real solution a different partition/QOS to handle
Willy Markuske
HPC Systems Engineer
Research Data Services
P: (619) 519-4435