Thank you, Michael!  In fact, it appears as though Slurm is storing the
entire commandline as a single "word":
(! 1111)-> sacct -j 2871474 -o "SubmitLine%-100"
sbatch --export=NONE --wrap=uname   -a --exclusive

So, its storing properly, now I need to see if I can figure out how to
preserve/add the quotes on the way out of the DB...


On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 11:15 AM Michael Jennings <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 04 May 2022, at 10:00:57 (-0700),
> David Henkemeyer wrote:
> >I am seeing what I think might be a bug with sacct.  When I do the
> >following:
> >
> >
> >*> sbatch --export=NONE --wrap='uname -a' --exclusive*
> >*Submitted batch job 2869585*
> >
> >Then, I ask sacct for the SubmitLine, as such:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >*> sacct -j 2869586 -o
> >"SubmitLine%-70"SubmitLine----------------------------------------------------------------------sbatch
> >--export=NONE --wrap=uname -a --exclusive*
> >
> >As you can see, the quotes around 'uname -a' are gone.  Hence, that submit
> >line is not a valid sbatch commandline:
> >
> >
> >*> sbatch --export=NONE --wrap=uname -a --exclusivesbatch: error: Batch
> job
> >submission failed: Invalid job array specification*
> >
> >Like I said, I suspect this is a bug with sacct.  But I want to make sure.
> >Can I somehow "peek" inside the accounting DB to see if the quotes are
> >there?
> >
> >Perhaps there is an interaction with my bash shell, that's stripping the
> >quotes?  This seems unlikely to me.
> It's not actually unlikely; that's exactly what's happening.  Check
> out the BASH man page section on EXPANSION and look for the term
> "quote removal."  It's part of shells' normal operations. :-)
> The real question is in how the command is being stored; are you
> seeing 4 words or 5?  Shells like BASH internally track token sets in
> terms of "words," and those words can have embedded spaces.  But
> embedded spaces and word-separation spaces are indistinguishable
> without additional metadata.
> In other words, what you're really asking are two questions:
>   - Does the accounting DB store the submit line in a way that
>     preserves embedded spaces in arguments?
>   - If so, can that value be retrieved in a way that quotes those
>     arguments with embedded spaces (possibly by quoting *all*
>     arguments) in a way that can be reused as shell input?
> We can see this in action with the following example using BASH's
> support for arrays.  Just like with `$*` vs. `$@`, array expansion
> unquoted or inside double-quotes expands to a single word with
> elements separated by the first character of `$IFS` (space by default)
> when `$*` or `${ARRAYNAME[*]}` is used but to individual separate
> words instead when `$@` or `${ARRAYNAME[@]}` is used.  However, it's
> impossible to see the difference between embedded single spaces inside
> a word/element and the single spaces BASH puts between them when
> they're displayed:
>    $ (declare -ax TESTME=( 1 2 '3 4 5' 6 7 8 ) ; echo ${TESTME[*]} ; echo
> "${TESTME[@]}" ; declare -p TESTME)
>    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
>    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
>    declare -ax TESTME=([0]="1" [1]="2" [2]="3 4 5" [3]="6" [4]="7" [5]="8")
> Notice that the 1st 2 lines look identical to one another, even though
> internally they're not.  As you can see in the final line, there are
> still spaces in the 3rd array element (`[2]="3 4 5"`).
> The distinction becomes clearer if more than one space at a time is
> embedded into the 3rd element, like so:
>    $ (declare -ax TESTME=( 1 2 '3    4    5' 6 7 8 ) ; echo ${TESTME[*]} ;
> echo "${TESTME[@]}" ; declare -p TESTME)
>    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
>    1 2 3    4    5 6 7 8
>    declare -ax TESTME=([0]="1" [1]="2" [2]="3    4    5" [3]="6" [4]="7"
> [5]="8")
> So if you want to find the answers to the above questions (at least
> the 1st one), pass 'uname    -a' instead of 'uname -a' and see what
> you get back from your `sacct` query! :-)
> HTH,
> Michael
> --
> Michael E. Jennings <> - [PGPH: he/him/his/Mr]  --
> HPC Systems Engineer   --   Platforms Team   --  HPC Systems Group
> Strategic Computing Complex, Bldg. 03-2327, Rm. 2341    W: +1 (505)
> 606-0605
> Los Alamos National Laboratory,  P.O. Box 1663,  Los Alamos, NM
>  87545-0001

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