Here is an example command for getting parseable output from sacct of all
completed jobs during a specific period of time:
$ sacct -p -X -a -S 032322 -E 032422 -o JobID,User,State -s ca,cd,f,to,pr,oom
The fields are separated by | and can easily be parsed by awk.
Example output:
I hope this helps.
On 3/24/22 14:47, Brian Andrus wrote:
I don't think that is part of sacct options. Feature request maybe.
Meanwhile, awk would be your friend here. Just post-process by piping the
output to awk and doing the substitutions before printing the output.
sacct |awk '{sub("CANCELLED","CA");sub("RUNNING","RU");print}'
Just add a 'sub' command for each substitution. It is tedious to setup but
will do the trick. You can also specify the specific field to do any
substitution on.
Brian Andrus
On 3/24/2022 6:12 AM, Chip Seraphine wrote:
I’m trying to shave a few columns off the output of some sacct output,
and while it will happily accept the short codes (e.g. CA instead of
CANCELLED) I can’t find a way to get it to report them. Shaving down
the columns using %N in –format just results in a truncated version of
the long code, which is often not the same thing.
Does anyone know if/how this can be done?