I assume you are running the job via mpirun? Can you share the mpirun cmd line?
> On Mar 11, 2022, at 11:31 AM, Mccall, Kurt E. (MSFC-EV41) > <kurt.e.mcc...@nasa.gov> wrote: > > With sbatch, what is the proper way to launch 5 tasks each on a single node, > but reserve two slots on each node so that the original tasks can each create > one new process using MPI_Comm_spawn? > > I’ve tried various combinations of the sbatch arguments –nodes, > --ntasks-per-node and –cpu-per-node, but all attempts result in this OpenMpi > error message: > > “All nodes which are allocated for this job are already filled.” > > I expected the proper arguments to be –nodes=5 --ntasks=5 –cpus-per-task=2. > > The 5 original processes are created correctly, but it seems like > MPI_Comm_spawn is causing the error message when it tries to allocate a CPU. > > I’m using slurm 20.11.8 and OpenMpi 4.1.2. > > Thanks, > Kurt