Another useful format string – and again, this is if you mess up and don’t do a 
reservation early enough (or your environment has no concept of a time limit) – 
is this one:

squeue -o %u,%i,%L

Will show you username, job id, and remaining time – which is sometimes easier 
to deal with than end date/time.

|| \\UTGERS,     |---------------------------*O*---------------------------
||_// the State  |         Ryan Novosielski -
|| \\ University | Sr. Technologist - 973/972.0922 (2x0922) ~*~ RBHS Campus
||  \\    of NJ  | Office of Advanced Research Computing - MSB C630, Newark

> On Nov 7, 2021, at 7:45 AM, Carsten Beyer <> wrote:
> Hi Ahmad,
> you could use squeue -h -t r --format="%i %e" | sort -k2 to get a list of all 
> running jobs sorted by their endtime.
> We use normaly a maintenance reservation with starttime of the mainenance (or 
> with some leading time before) to get the system free of jobs. That make 
> things easier, because if you drain your cluster no new jobs could start. 
> With the reservation jobs with a shorter wallclock time could be backfilled 
> till the reservation/maintenance starts. You can put the reservation anytime 
> in the system but at least or before "<starttime maintenance> minus <longest 
> MaxTime of partition>", e.g.
> scontrol create reservation=<name> starttime=<starttime> duration=<duration>  
> user=root flags=maint nodes=ALL
> Hope, that helps a little bit,
> Carsten
> -- 
> Carsten Beyer
> Abteilung Systeme
> Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ)
> Bundesstraße 45a * D-20146 Hamburg * Germany
> Phone:  +49 40 460094-221
> Fax:    +49 40 460094-270
> Email:
> URL:
> Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
> Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 39784
> Am 05.11.2021 um 23:16 schrieb Ahmad Khalifa:
>> If I plan maintenance on a certain day, how long before that day should I 
>> set the queue to drain mode?! Is there a way to estimate the completion date 
>> / time of current running jobs?!
>> Regards.

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