Sean McGrath <> writes:

> I'm seeing something similar.
> slurmdbd version is 21.08.4
> All the slurmd's & slurmctld's are version 20.11.8
> This is what is in the slurmdbd.log
> [2021-12-07T17:16:50.001] error: unpack_header: protocol_version 8704 not 
> supported

I believe 8704 corresponds to 19.05.x, which is no longer accepted in

> Can anyone advise how to identify the clients that are generating those
> errors please?

I don't think slurmd connects directly to slurmdbd, so perhaps it is
some frontend node or machine outside the cluster itself which has the
slurm commands installed and is doing requests to slurmdbd (sacct,
sacctmgr, etc.)?

With SlurmdbdDebug set to debug or higher, new client connections will
be logged with

[2021-12-08T09:00:07.992] debug:  REQUEST_PERSIST_INIT: CLUSTER:saga 
VERSION:9472 UID:51568 IP: CONN:8

in slurmdbd.log.  But perhaps that will not happen if slurmdbd fails to
unpack the header?

Bjørn-Helge Mevik, dr. scient,
Department for Research Computing, University of Oslo

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