Ginés Guerrero <> writes:

> Hi,
> If I submit this script:
>     #!/bin/bash
>     #SBATCH --get-user-env
>     #SBATCH -p slims
>     #SBATCH -N 2
>     #SBATCH -n 40
>     #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=20
>     #SBATCH -o log
>     #SBATCH -e log
>     /bin/env
>     srun hostname
> I get the warning: “can't honor --ntasks-per-node set to 20 which
> doesn't match the requested tasks 40 with the number of requested
> nodes 1. Ignoring –ntasks-per-node”.

Are you using IntelMPI?  I've seen this type of warning in some
situations with IntelMPI.  In all our cases, "srun hostname" or "mpirun
hostname" shows that it *does* honor --ntasks-per-node.  (So we
generally just ask our users to check with "srun hostname", and ignore
the warning if it works as expected.)

Bjørn-Helge Mevik, dr. scient,
Department for Research Computing, University of Oslo

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