The "showbf --help" does not explain the meaning of the output of "showbf
-S", so we cannot guess what the equivalent in Slurm would be.
Please see the answers to your thread with the same question:
On 10/7/21 4:08 AM, pankajd wrote:
Sorry for the repetition. Please see the help and output of the showbf :
showbf --help
Usage: showbf [FLAGS]
-A // ALL
-c <CLASS>
-g <GROUP>
-m [<MEMCMP>]<MEMORY> // <MEMCMP> = { = | >= }
-q <QOS>
-S // SMP
-u <USER>
showbf output :
backfill window (user: 'root' group: 'root' partition: ALL) Thu Oct 7 07:35:48
1588 procs available for 9:27:58
1556 procs available for 3:11:09:22
1530 procs available for 4:10:39:38
1498 procs available for 5:13:22:45
1488 procs available with no timelimit
showbf -S output :
HostName Procs Memory Disk Swap Time Available
---------- ----- ------ ------- ------- --------------
gpu1.node 16 64399 1 64399 INFINITY
gpu2.node 16 64399 1 64399 INFINITY
comp28.node 32 64322 1 64322 INFINITY
comp39.node 16 64322 1 64322 3:16:11:01
and so on
On October 6, 2021 at 11:42 PM Ole Holm Nielsen
<> wrote:
> On 06-10-2021 18:42, Pankaj Dorlikar wrote:
> > We would like to know the free / available resources (cpu and GPUs) in
> > slurm. In torque/maui, showbf –S command gives the similar output. What
> > command / commanline should be used to check available / free resources
> > including node number and its corresponding cpus and GPUs available.
> Se your thread with the same question:
> To repeat my answer to this list from August 26:
> Again, the Maui command "showbf -S" is undocumented! Do you have
> documentation for it?
> /Ole