On 09-08-2021 17:24, Amjad Syed wrote:
I am trying to filter number of jobs submitted in a month , not jobs
that started .
if i use
sacct -S 2021-07-07 -E 2021-08-07 --format=jobID,Submit -D
------------ -------------------
I get jobs that were submitted more then 30 days ago but started
within the start period and end period.
In short does sacct not have flag to specify Submit time rather then
Start time ?
There doesn't seem to be any such flags for the sacct command. The -S
and -E flags are defined in the sacct man-page as:
-S, --starttime
Select jobs in any state after the specified time.
-E end_time, --endtime=end_time
Select jobs in any state before the specified time.
Your jobid 7274903 apparently was in "any state" between 2021-07-07 and
2021-08-07, even though it was submitted earlier than the -S time.
To filter on submit time, you probably have to write your own script and
filter out jobids that have a submit time before the -S time.
It is useful to know that Slurm ISO-8601 timestamps are sorted correctly
by the Linux "sort" command, so you don't need fancy timestamp
conversions. See for example