I think your slurm-user has /sbin/nologin as the the shell in /etc/passwd. Try `su -s /bin/bash slurm`.


On 14.06.21 20:52, Rodrigo Santibáñez wrote:
Thank you Marcus, Ole and Samuel.

Regarding Samuel's answer, I added ifne from moreutils before mail to not
have empty emails.

Regarding strigger, I don't know how to become the slurm user. "su slurm"
complains "This account is currently not available.". The user "slurm"
exists and is the SlurmUser.


On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 5:09 AM Ole Holm Nielsen <ole.h.niel...@fysik.dtu.dk>

On 6/14/21 7:50 AM, Marcus Boden wrote:
Slurm provides the strigger[1] utility for that. You can set it up to
automatically send mails when nodes go into drain.

I provide some Slurm triggers examples in

On 12.06.21 22:29, Rodrigo Santibáñez wrote:
Hi SLURM users,

Does anyone have a cronjob or similar to monitor and warn via e-mail
when a
node is in draining/drain status?


Marcus Vincent Boden, M.Sc.
Arbeitsgruppe eScience, HPC-Team
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