Dear Christine,
if I read the documentation correctly, MaxJobs would be valid for an
association, not a QoS.
You'll probably want to try GrpJobs instead of MaxJobs.
I can, however confirm that setting MaxJobs on a QoS actually quietly
sets MaxJobsPU; likewise with MaxSubmitJobs and MaxSubmitJobsPerUser.
I don't know if this an intended shorthand or something, at least I am
not aware of any documentation on this. I had expected this to fail if
it's not a valid option for QoS.
On 18/03/2021 13.27, LEROY Christine 208562 wrote:
Hi all,
I've finally configured a qos on partition in the slurm.conf(*), and
then with the sacctmgr(**), I try to configure different values for the
max running job per user, or the max running jobs (for all users ?), but
it doesn’t seem to be possible to have different values; could someone
Thanks in advance,
PartitionName=*lsmgu*i AllowGroups=xxx Nodes=xxxx *QOS=lsmgui*
# sacctmgr modify qos lsmgui set MaxJobs=2
# sacctmgr modify qos lsmgui set MaxJobsPU=1
# sacctmgr show qos lsmgui format=MaxJobs,MaxJobsPU
MaxJobs MaxJobsPU
------- ---------
1 1
# sacctmgr modify qos lsmgui set MaxJobs=2
# sacctmgr show qos lsmgui format=MaxJobs,MaxJobsPU
MaxJobs MaxJobsPU
------- ---------
2 2
-----Message d'origine-----
De : slurm-users <> De la part de
LEROY Christine 208562
Envoyé : mardi 9 mars 2021 11:11
À : Slurm User Community List <>
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] [slurm-users] qos on partition
I’d like to reproduce a configuration we had with torque on
queues/partitions :
• how to set a maximum number of running jobs on a queue ?
• and a maximum number of running jobs per user for all the
users (whatever is the user)?
There is a qos with slurm but it seems always attached to a user or an
account, not to a partition ?
What would be the best thing to do here ?
Thanks in advance,
Christine Leroy
Dr. Christoph Brüning
Universität Würzburg
HPC & DataManagement @ ct.qmat & RZUW
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
Tel.: +49 931 31-80499