> Am 10.03.2021 um 16:29 schrieb Brian Andrus <toomuc...@gmail.com>:
> Marcus is right here. Filtering the input so you don't have GIGO is on the 
> admin.
> There are too many different languages/characters to expect that to be 
> handled by slurm and would make it bulkier for most users with no benefit.

Well, yes. I can see the point. The longterm solution might be to exclude 
characters 0x00–0x1F and/or allow only printable UTF-8 characters with proper 
spacing in `squeue` and alike, as some characters take 2 or more bytes. for 
their representation.

-- Reuti

> Wrapper scripts and job_submit.lua are definitely your friends.
> Brian Andrus
> On 3/10/2021 5:05 AM, Marcus Boden wrote:
>> Yeah, I wondered something like that too, as it makes some of my scripts 
>> quite fragile. I just tried your name on a test system and now calling 
>> squeue paints my cli yellow :D
>> You could write a job_submit plugin to catch 'malicious' input, but so far 
>> no user ever did something like that on our system, so I don't think that's 
>> necessary.
>> Best,
>> Marcus
>> On 10.03.21 12:06, Reuti wrote:
>>>> Am 09.03.2021 um 13:37 schrieb Marcus Boden <mbo...@gwdg.de>:
>>>> Then I have good news for you! There is the --delimiter option:
>>>> https://slurm.schedmd.com/sacct.html#OPT_delimiter=
>>> Aha, perfect – thx. Maybe it should be noted in the man page for the 
>>> "-p"/"-P".
>>> But this leads to another question: there is no well defined character set 
>>> for allowed job names, and I can have a job:
>>> $ sbatch --job-name="fu"$'\007'$'\033[32m'"bar" slurm-job.sh
>>> which might make some noise when using `squeue` and messes up the output?
>>> -- Reuti
>>>> Best,
>>>> Marcus
>>>> On 09.03.21 12:10, Reuti wrote:
>>>>> Hi:
>>>>>> Am 09.03.2021 um 08:19 schrieb Bjørn-Helge Mevik <b.h.me...@usit.uio.no>:
>>>>>> "xiaojingh...@163.com" <xiaojingh...@163.com> writes:
>>>>>>> I am doing a parsing job on slurm fields. Sometimes when one field is
>>>>>>> too long, slum will limit the length with a “+”.
>>>>>> You don't say which slurm command you are trying to parse the output
>>>>>> from, but if it is sacctmgr, it has an option --parsable2(*)
>>>>>> specifically designed for parsing output, and which does not truncate
>>>>>> long field values.
>>>>>> (*) There is also --parsable, but that puts an extra "|" at the end of
>>>>>> the line, so I prefer --parsable2.
>>>>> It would even be better to have the option to use an argument for these 
>>>>> two options or even --parsable='`\000' like in `tr`. For now users can 
>>>>> use "|" in jobname, account or comment which might break any parsing.
>>>>> -- Reuti
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Bjørn-Helge Mevik, dr. scient,
>>>>>> Department for Research Computing, University of Oslo
>>>> -- 
>>>> Marcus Vincent Boden, M.Sc.
>>>> Arbeitsgruppe eScience, HPC-Team
>>>> Tel.:   +49 (0)551 201-2191, E-Mail: mbo...@gwdg.de
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