Dear slurm user community,

I am trying to setup a slurm cluster but I am getting the following error:

# exec /usr/local/sbin/slurmd -v -D -f /etc/slurm/slurm.conf
slurmd: Node configuration differs from hardware: CPUs=10:72(hw) Boards=1:1(hw) 
SocketsPerBoard=10:2(hw) CoresPerSocket=1:18(hw) ThreadsPerCore=1:2(hw)
slurmd: Message aggregation disabled
slurmd: topology NONE plugin loaded
slurmd: route default plugin loaded
slurmd: task affinity plugin loaded with CPU mask 0xffffffffffffffffff
slurmd: error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for auth/munge looking 
at all files
slurmd: error: cannot find auth plugin for auth/munge
slurmd: error: cannot create auth context for auth/munge
slurmd: error: slurmd initialization failed
command terminated with exit code 1

Any advice?

thank you

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