I’m new to SLURM and attempting to setup a new installation. I’ve built the 20.11.2 tools on CentOS 7, and now I’ve got the MariaDB running but the slurmdbd log file is full of:
[2021-01-15T09:34:25.002] error: Processing last message from connection 10( uid(9920) [2021-01-15T09:34:27.868] error: DBD_CLUSTER_TRES message from invalid uid 9920 [2021-01-15T09:34:27.869] debug3: DBD_CLUSTER_TRES: cluster not registered [2021-01-15T09:34:27.871] error: _add_registered_cluster: trying to register a cluster (tt_yyzeon) with no remote port [2021-01-15T09:34:27.873] error: CONN:10 Security violation, DBD_CLUSTER_TRES [2021-01-15T09:34:27.874] error: Processing last message from connection 10( uid(9920) [2021-01-15T09:34:27.876] debug4: accounting_storage/as_mysql: acct_storage_p_commit: got 0 commits [2021-01-15T09:34:35.003] debug: REQUEST_PERSIST_INIT: CLUSTER:tt_yyzeon VERSION:9216 UID:9920 IP: CONN:11 [2021-01-15T09:34:35.010] debug2: accounting_storage/as_mysql: acct_storage_p_get_connection: acct_storage_p_get_connection: request new connection 1 [2021-01-15T09:34:35.017] debug2: Attempting to connect to localhost:3306 [2021-01-15T09:34:35.024] error: DBD_SEND_MULT_MSG message from invalid uid 9920 [2021-01-15T09:34:35.030] error: Processing last message from connection 11( uid(9920) [2021-01-15T09:34:45.002] error: DBD_SEND_MULT_MSG message from invalid uid 9920 [2021-01-15T09:34:45.005] error: Processing last message from connection 11( uid(9920) [2021-01-15T09:34:55.002] error: DBD_SEND_MULT_MSG message from invalid uid 9920 [2021-01-15T09:34:55.004] error: Processing last message from connection 11( uid(9920) [2021-01-15T09:35:05.001] error: DBD_SEND_MULT_MSG message from invalid uid 9920 [2021-01-15T09:35:05.002] error: Processing last message from connection 11( uid(9920) [2021-01-15T09:35:15.002] error: DBD_SEND_MULT_MSG message from invalid uid 9920 The “slurm” user is a local user – checked across all machines and they all report: [1271] root:yyzeon10 /home/soc_tools/slurm/logs > id slurm uid=9920(slurm) gid=9920(slurm) groups=9920(slurm) Our slurmdbd.conf file is fairly generic: # Slurm Database Configuration AuthType=auth/munge SlurmUser=nobody DbdHost=localhost DbdPort=6819 StorageHost=localhost LogFile=/home/soc_tools/slurm/logs/slurmdbd.log StorageType=accounting_storage/mysql StorageLoc=slurm_acct_db #StoragePort= # Account information StoragePass=mysql_slurm_password StorageUser=slurm # PurgeEventAfter=1month PurgeJobAfter=12month PurgeResvAfter=1month PurgeStepAfter=1month PurgeSuspendAfter=1month PurgeTXNAfter=12month PurgeUsageAfter=24month # ArchiveEvents=yes ArchiveJobs=yes ArchiveResvs=yes ArchiveSteps=no ArchiveSuspend=no ArchiveTXN=no ArchiveUsage=no # #DebugLevel=info DebugLevel=debug5 Any suggestions on where I should look for a problem? Thanks, Michael