Hi list,

We are migrating from SGE to Slurm.
I'm having hard-time to make process pinning work.

Whatever --cpu-bind is set to, I can not get the placement I want.
It works as expected for cores, threads, boards and sockets, but as soon as I 
pass a map_cpu or mask_cpu it goes on its own.
Nodes are 1 board, 2 sockets, 4 cores/socket, 1 thread per core.

Tests were made with Slurm 20.11.0.
I've built 20.11.1 this morning.

Am I missing something ?

$ srun --exclusive --cpu-bind=v,cores -N 1-1 -n 2 testmpi.sh
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  0  0 [3126]: mask 0x1 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  1  1 [3127]: mask 0x4 set

$ srun --exclusive --cpu-bind=v,threads -N 1-1 -n 2 testmpi.sh
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  0  0 [3261]: mask 0x1 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  1  1 [3262]: mask 0x4 set

$ srun --exclusive --cpu-bind=v,boards -N 1-1 -n 4 testmpi.sh
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  0  0 [3515]: mask 0x1 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  1  1 [3516]: mask 0x4 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  3  3 [3518]: mask 0x40 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  2  2 [3517]: mask 0x10 set

$ srun --exclusive --cpu-bind=v,sockets -N 1-1 -n 4 testmpi.sh
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  0  0 [3646]: mask 0x55 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  1  1 [3647]: mask 0x55 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  2  2 [3648]: mask 0x55 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  3  3 [3649]: mask 0x55 set

$ srun --exclusive --cpu-bind=v,mask_cpu:0xa -N 1-1 -n 2 testmpi.sh
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  0  0 [2816]: mask 0x5 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  1  1 [2819]: mask 0x5 set

$ srun --exclusive --cpu-bind=v,mask_cpu:0x0 -N 1-1 -n 4 testmpi.sh
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  0  0 [3800]: mask 0x55 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  1  1 [3801]: mask 0x55 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  3  3 [3803]: mask 0x55 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  2  2 [3802]: mask 0x55 set

$ srun --exclusive --cpu-bind=v,none -N 1-1 -n 4 testmpi.sh
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  0  0 [5053]: mask 0x55 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  1  1 [5054]: mask 0x55 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  2  2 [5056]: mask 0x55 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  3  3 [5057]: mask 0x55 set

$ srun --exclusive --cpu-bind=v,none,mask_cpu:0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33 -N 1-1 -n 4 
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  0  0 [5191]: mask 0x55 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  1  1 [5192]: mask 0x55 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  2  2 [5193]: mask 0x55 set
cpu-bind=MASK - mania-8, task  3  3 [5194]: mask 0x55 set




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