On 2020/10/19 13:58, Chris Samuel wrote:
I've not had problems building Slurm 20.02.x on SLES15 SP0 (CLE7.0 UP01), so I'm wondering if something big happened with munge in SP1?
According to Chris Dunlap, the vanilla Munge tarball no longer contains a SUSE-specific SPEC-file, because he has a hard time keeping up with all of the variants in packaging (Q: Why does the development part of a package derived from the BZIP2 sources need to be called - "provide" if you like - anything other than bzip2-devel?) and he suggested I use the SPEC-file hosted at OpenSUSE's "factory" but of course that's not in the vanilla Munge tarball.
I'd suggest opening a bug with SchedMD on this to check into what's happening, they'll likely be able to help with this!
I am building it on a VirtualBox VM, Chris: I doubt their support runs to that degree of individuality, especially as it's not my own money that pays for our Centre's support. And a good job too, if you ask me! Anyroad, not only did I get it going, I now know why rpmbuild-ing from the tarballs failed. Just out of interest though, when you built yours on CLE7.0 UP01, what provided the munge: the vannila SLES munge, or a Cray munge ?