
 Our account setup is as follows: <organization> ---> <sub accounts>
 SLURM version: 19.05.7
 Sometimes we have a new Organization or we delete one. But this are a few
changes per year. The <sub acounts> are created/deleted on a daily basis. So we
thought we make partitions and we allow the organization accounts to the
partitions, eg:
   * PartitionName=fat_soil_shared AllowAccounts=surf,soll

But to our surprise this does not work. The parent accounts are not evaluated
for partitions. If found this issue with an internal issue number in it:
  * https://bugs.schedmd.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1398

My question is this solved in a later version? Or is there another solution for


Bas van der Vlies
| Operations, Support & Development | SURF | Science Park 140 | 1098 XG 
| T +31 (0) 20 800 1300 | bas.vandervl...@surf.nl | www.surf.nl

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