
Can you post the output of the following commands on your master node?:

sacctmgr show cluster

scontrol show nodes

Durai Arasan
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung

On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 10:33 AM Alberto Morillas, Angelines <
angelines.albe...@ciemat.es> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have slurm version 18.08.6
> One of my nodes is in drain state Reason=Kill task failed
> [root@2020-06-27T02:25:29]
> In the node I can see in the slurmd.log
> 2020-06-27T01:24:26.242] task_p_slurmd_batch_request: 963771
> [2020-06-27T01:24:26.242] task/affinity: job 963771 CPU input mask for
> node: 0x0FFFFFFFFF
> [2020-06-27T01:24:26.242] task/affinity: job 963771 CPU final HW mask for
> node: 0x55FFFFFFFF
> [2020-06-27T01:24:26.247] _run_prolog: run job script took usec=4537
> [2020-06-27T01:24:26.247] _run_prolog: prolog with lock for job 963771 ran
> for 0 seconds
> [2020-06-27T01:24:26.247] Launching batch job 963771 for UID 5200
> [2020-06-27T01:24:26.276] [963771.batch] task/cgroup:
> /slurm/uid_5200/job_963771: alloc=147456MB mem.limit=147456MB
> memsw.limit=147456MB
> [2020-06-27T01:24:26.284] [963771.batch] task/cgroup:
> /slurm/uid_5200/job_963771/step_batch: alloc=147456MB mem.limit=147456MB
> memsw.limit=147456MB
> [2020-06-27T01:24:26.310] [963771.batch] task_p_pre_launch: Using
> sched_affinity for tasks
> [2020-06-27T02:24:26.933] [963771.batch] error: *** JOB 963771 ON
> node0802 CANCELLED AT 2020-06-27T02:24:26 DUE TO TIME LIMIT ***
> [2020-06-27T02:25:27.009] [963771.batch] error: *** JOB 963771 STEPD
> TERMINATED ON node0802 AT 2020-06-27T02:25:27 DUE TO JOB NOT ENDING WITH
> [2020-06-27T02:25:27.009] [963771.batch] sending
> REQUEST_COMPLETE_BATCH_SCRIPT, error:4001 status 15
> [2020-06-27T02:25:27.011] [963771.batch] done with job
> If I try to get information about this job nothing get
> sacct -j 963771
>        JobID    JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State
>   ExitCode
>      ------------ ----------     ----------      ----------
>     ----------      ----------   --------
> Why I don`t get information about this job???
> Thanks in advance
> Angelines
> ________________________________________________
> Angelines Alberto Morillas
> Unidad de Arquitectura Informática
> Despacho: 22.1.32
> Telf.: +34 91 346 6119
> Fax:   +34 91 346 6537
> skype: angelines.alberto
> Avenida Complutense, 40
> 28040 MADRID
> ________________________________________________

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