Thank you Ole/Chris/Marcus. Your input was much appreciated....

Ole, I was(am) basing my upgrade plan using the documentation found on the link 
you had sent me. In fact your wiki is always my first stop when 
learning/tshooting SLURM issues, even before SLURM docs pages. Excellent work, 
well done.

Ricardo Gregorio

-----Original Message-----
From: slurm-users <> On Behalf Of Ole Holm 
Sent: 19 February 2020 14:41
Subject: Re: [slurm-users] Slurm Upgrade from 17.02

On 2/19/20 3:10 PM, Ricardo Gregorio wrote:
> I am putting together an upgrade plan for slurm on our HPC. We are
> currently running old version 17.02.11. Would you guys advise us
> upgrading to 18.08 or 19.05?

You should be able to upgrade 2 Slurm major versions in one step.  The
18.08 version is just about to become unsupported since 20.02 will be released 
shortly.  We use 19.05.5.

I have collected a number of upgrading details in my Slurm Wiki page:;;sdata=zQfmqJcyEEp%2BvC2WxHR1eKWIu4F%2Ftbms344YlwW0Bs0%3D&amp;reserved=0

You really, really want to perform a dry-run Slurm database upgrade on a test 
machine before doing the real upgrade!  See;;sdata=WWqmE7erGoSEJ9cMQ1o%2FOgXsI8kqK7YQ8zztSr9JpIg%3D&amp;reserved=0

> I understand we will have to also upgrade the version of mariadb from
> 5.5 to 10.X and pay attention to 'long db upgrade from 17.02 to 18.X or 19.X'
> and 'bug 6796' amongst other things.

We use the default MariaDB 5.5 in CentOS 7.7.  Upgrading to MariaDB 10 seems to 
have quite a number of unresolved installation issues, so I would skip that for 
now.  Se s

> We would appreciate your comments/recommendations

Slurm 19.05 works great for us.  We're happy with our SchedMD support contract.


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