Hi all,

I have a few more remarks about this question (I have been in contact with 
Marcus about this):

-   the idea of the jobscript is that SLURM does not do any binding and leaves 
binding up to
   -  this works fine on the first node, where SLURM does not bind the 
processes (so mpirun can do this)
   -  on the second node SLURM uses (faulty) core binding (all processes are 
bound round-robin to the hyperthreads
      of the first core). Intel's mpirun respects the cpuset and as a result 
the processes are bound incorrectly.

This looks like a SLURM issue to me. SLURM version 19.05.5 is used.
A workaround is to use I_MPI_PIN_RESPECT_CPUSET=no.


Hi everyone,

I am facing a bit of a weird issue with CPU bindings and mpirun:
My jobscript:
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=40
#SBATCH -p medium40
#SBATCH -t 30
#SBATCH -o out/%J.out
#SBATCH -e out/%J.err
#SBATCH --reservation=root_98

module load impi/2019.4 2>&1

export I_MPI_DEBUG=6
export SLURM_CPU_BIND=none


mpirun -np 800 $BENCH -npmin 800 -iter 50 -time 120 -msglog 16:18 -include 
Allreduce Bcast Barrier Exchange Gather PingPing PingPong Reduce Scatter 
Allgather Alltoall Reduce_scatter

My output is as follows:
[0] MPI startup(): 37      154426   gcn1311    {37,77}
[0] MPI startup(): 38      154427   gcn1311    {38,78}
[0] MPI startup(): 39      154428   gcn1311    {39,79}
[0] MPI startup(): 40      161061   gcn1312    {0}
[0] MPI startup(): 41      161062   gcn1312    {40}
[0] MPI startup(): 42      161063   gcn1312    {0}
[0] MPI startup(): 43      161064   gcn1312    {40}
[0] MPI startup(): 44      161065   gcn1312    {0}

On 8 out of 20 nodes I got the wrong pinning. In the slurmd logs I found
that on nodes, where the pinning was correct, manual binding was
communicated correctly:
  lllp_distribution jobid [2065227] manual binding: none
On those, where it did not work, not so much:
  lllp_distribution jobid [2065227] default auto binding: cores, dist 1

So, for some reason, slurm told some task to use CPU bindings and for
some, the cpu binding was (correctly) disabled.

Any ideas what could cause this?


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