Hello together,


I have a special question regarding to set up the limit of max. open files
under Linux.

It is in case of this about the value of the soft - files, not about the
value for the hard files (see: ulimit-Sn)


Some users of the HPC use a large number of files for the processing in your

These applications break off " too many files open " with the error message.


The attitude of the parameters does not have any effects here since no
"LOGIN" is carried out via SLURM via " etc/security/limits.conf ".


Who has already had to do with this subject and perhaps who can help me


Best regards….




Matthias Krawutschke, Dipl. Inf.


Universität Potsdam
ZIM - Zentrum für Informationstechnologie und Medienmanagement
Team High-Performance-Computing on Cluster - Environment


Campus Am Neuen Palais: Am Neuen Palais 10 | 14469 Potsdam
Tel: +49 331 977-4444, Fax: +49 331 977-1750


Internet:  <https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/zim/angebote-loesungen/hpc.html>



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