Hello together,


on the RELEASE_NOTES I read the following:


Slurm can be upgraded from version 18.08 or 19.05 to version 20.02 without

of jobs or other state information. Upgrading directly from an earlier

of Slurm will result in loss of state information.



I want to upgrade or update my ComputeNode first, to see if it work or not,
but this is not able to do.

I´ve got the message on ComputeNode, that this Node can´t connect to


So, why can´t I test the NEW SLURM-Version on Node before I update /upgrade
the Controller and Database?

It is really important, that I upgrade /update the Database & Controller


The other point (see my eMail from today) – I read on this file too:


CONFIGURATION FILE CHANGES (see man appropriate man page for details)


-- The mpi/openmpi plugin has been removed as it does nothing.

    MpiDefault=openmpi will be translated to the functionally-equivalent


So, how does OpenMPI and SLURM works together? 

What was the reason, that you disable this function?



I hope, you can help me here with my questions…….


Best regards….




Matthias Krawutschke, Dipl. Inf.


Universität Potsdam
ZIM - Zentrum für Informationstechnologie und Medienmanagement
Team High-Performance-Computing

Campus Am Neuen Palais: Am Neuen Palais 10 | 14469 Potsdam
Tel: +49 331 977-4444, Fax: +49 331 977-1750


Internet:  <https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/zim/angebote-loesungen/hpc.html>



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