
Really, I don't know if my question is for this mailing list... but I will explain my problem and, then, you could answer me whatever you think ;)

I manage a SLURM clusters composed by 3 networks:
  • a gigabit network used for NFS shares (192.168.11.X). In this network, my nodes are "node01, node02..." in /etc/hosts.
  • a gigabit network used by SLURM (all my nodes are added to SLURM cluster using this network and the hostname assigned via /etc/host to this second network). (192.168.12.X). In this network, my nodes are "clus01, clus02..." in /etc/hosts.
  • a Infiniband network (192.168.13.X). In this network, my nodes are "infi01, infi02..." in /etc/hosts.

When I submit a MPI job, SLURM scheduler offers me "n" nodes called, for example, clus01 and clus02 and, there, my application runs perfectly using second network for SLURM connectivity and first network for NFS (and NIS) shares. By default, as SLURM connectivity is on second network, my nodelist contains nodes called "clus0x".

However, now, I'm getting a "new" problem. I want to use third network (Infiniband), but as SLURM offers me "clus0x" (second network), my MPI application runs OK but using second network. This problem also occurs, for example, using NAMD (Charmrun) application.

So, my questions are:
  1. is this SLURM configuration correct for using both networks?
    1. If answer is "no", how do I configure SLURM for my purpose?
    2. But if answer is "yes", how can I ensure connections in my SLURM job are going in Infiniband?

Thanks a lot!!

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