hi there i'm pretty new to slurm and trying to learn my way through it's many configurations. my config looks like:
SchedulerType=sched/backfill PriorityType=priority/multifactor PriorityWeightAge=10000 PriorityWeightFairshare=10000 PriorityWeightJobSize=5000 PriorityWeightPartition=10000 PriorityWeightQOS=10000 and partitions: # Node Configurations NodeName=nodeb[01-10]n[01-05] NodeAddr=nodeb[01-10]n[01-05] CPUs=8 RealMemory=95000 TmpDisk=1700000 PartitionName=part1 Nodes=nodeb[01-10]n[01-05] LLN=YES Default=YES MaxTime=INFINITE State=Up NodeName=nodeb[01-10]n[06-46] NodeAddr=nodeb[01-10]n[06-46] CPUs=8 RealMemory=95000 TmpDisk=1700000 PartitionName=part1b Nodes=nodeb[01-10]n[06-46] MaxTime=INFINITE State=Up NodeName=nodeb[01-10]n[47-48] NodeAddr=nodeb[01-10]n[47-48] CPUs=36 RealMemory=190000 TmpDisk=3500000 PartitionName=part2 Nodes=nodeb[01-10]n[47-48] MaxTime=INFINITE State=Up NodeName=nodeb12n[01-04] NodeAddr=nodeb12n[01-04] CPUs=8 RealMemory=380000 TmpDisk=5600000 PartitionName=part3 Nodes=nodeb12n[01-04] LLN=YES MaxTime=INFINITE State=Up PartitionName=part3b Nodes=nodeb12n[01-04] LLN=YES MaxTime=INFINITE State=Up i'm trying to distribute jobs in partitions evenly per account. that is, for a given partition if I have jobs queued for accounts A and B I expect the partition to be split approximately 50/50 between those two accounts (no matter how the other partitions look like). but things are not working as I expect and as I can tell fairshare is been calculated for the entire cluster and not per partition. sample output of `sshare -lm": Account User Partition RawShares NormShares RawUsage NormUsage EffectvUsage FairShare GrpTRESMins TRESRunMin -------------------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------- root 1.000000 1059109661 1.000000 0.500000 cpu=0,mem=0,energy=0,node=0,b root root 1 0.043478 0 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 cpu=0,mem=0,energy=0,node=0,b 2dpama38b 1 0.043478 0 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 cpu=0,mem=0,energy=0,node=0,b 2pama38 1 0.043478 31906 0.000030 0.000030 0.999520 cpu=0,mem=0,energy=0,node=0,b etc. as you can see the partition column is not been populated so I guess that's my problem. i am having a hard time to fix it so any tip would be appreciated. thank you. side note: part3 and part3b are identical because I need jobs to be split evenly between those two partitions. if one of them has no jobs than the other partition gets all the machines. I have no clue how to do that but that's a subject for a future email.