Aren't we here talking about the job accounting gather plugin?
I would say, you have to use cgroups, together with
ProctrackType=proctrack/cgroup and TaskPlugin=task/cgroup if you want ot
use the jobacct_gather/cgroup plugin, because elsewise SLURMdoes not
pack the jobs into cgroups.
On 10/25/19 1:48 AM, Brian Andrus wrote:
IIRC, the big difference is if you want to use cgroups on the nodes.
You must use the cgroup plugin.
Brian Andrus
On 10/24/2019 3:54 PM, Christopher Benjamin Coffey wrote:
Hi Juergen,
From what I see so far, there is nothing missing from the
jobacct_gather/linux plugin vs the cgroup version. In fact, the
extern step now has data where as it is empty when using the cgroup
Anyone know the differences?
Marcus Wagner, Dipl.-Inf.
IT Center
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