Aren't we here talking about the job accounting gather plugin?

I would say, you have to use cgroups, together with ProctrackType=proctrack/cgroup and TaskPlugin=task/cgroup if you want ot use the jobacct_gather/cgroup plugin, because elsewise SLURMdoes not pack the jobs into cgroups.


On 10/25/19 1:48 AM, Brian Andrus wrote:
IIRC, the big difference is if you want to use cgroups on the nodes. You must use the cgroup plugin.

Brian Andrus

On 10/24/2019 3:54 PM, Christopher Benjamin Coffey wrote:
Hi Juergen,

 From what I see so far, there is nothing missing from the jobacct_gather/linux plugin vs the cgroup version. In fact, the extern step now has data where as it is empty when using the cgroup version.

Anyone know the differences?


Marcus Wagner, Dipl.-Inf.

IT Center
Abteilung: Systeme und Betrieb
RWTH Aachen University
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52074 Aachen
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