Hi Loris,

as far as i can read the man page, it indicates that the BatchHost (the node, where the batchscript gets executed) will be one of the types asked for by --batch. Moreover, if the allocation does not have any of the requested --batch-features, the job will start as usually on the first allocated node.


So, if you want to use the broadwell node, just use

-C broadwell


On 10/2/19 8:23 AM, Loris Bennett wrote:
Hi Tomo,

"Uemoto, Tomoki" <fj277...@aa.jp.fujitsu.com> writes:

I'm working with slurm 18.08.6 on RHEL7.6
   manager : 1node
   computes: 2nodes (c001:haswell,c002:broadwell)

I am checking the --batch option of the sbatch command.
The following Features were set for testing.

   # scontrol update nodename=c001 Features=haswell
   # scontrol update nodename=c002 Features=broadwell

And submitted a sleep job.

$ cat sleep_60.sh

#SBATCH -J sleep_60           # Job name
#SBATCH -o job.%j.out         # Name of stdout output file (%j expands to jobId)

prun sleep 60

$ sbatch --batch=broadwell --constraint="haswell|broadwell" sleep_60.sh
$ squeue -l
Wed Oct  2 13:50:40 2019
              JOBID PARTITION     NAME     USER    STATE       TIME TIME_LIMI  
                 28    normal sleep_60     test  RUNNING       0:03 1-00:00:00  
    1 c001

I thought the job would be executed in "c002(broadwell)" by the designation of 
However the job was executed in "c001(haswell)"
Why isn't it running on "c002(broadwell)" ?

I haven't come across this before, but the documentation seems to
indicate that the option '--batch' applies only to the batch step.  The
actual job step, in your case the 'sleep' can then run on any node
satisfying the condition given via the option '--constraint', so in your
case either your Broadwell or you Haswell node.

However, I would have thought that, all things being equal, the batch
step and the job step would run on the same node.  However, I'm not sure
how a constrain with 'or' is resolved if multiple solutions are

What happens if you write the constraint as





Marcus Wagner, Dipl.-Inf.

IT Center
Abteilung: Systeme und Betrieb
RWTH Aachen University
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Tel: +49 241 80-24383
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