hi all,

we are currently also going through the painful process of making x11
support userfriendly, so i'm also in favour of making this work from eg
vnc or nx/x2go.

however, we now run 17.11.8, and we already noticed that 17.11.11 has
very different x11 related code. is the 19.05 x11 even more different,
or is it similar to 17.11.11? (if we have to retest/redebug twice, we
might wait till 19.05 and some extra weeks ;)



On 5/15/19 4:32 PM, Tina Friedrich wrote:
> Hadn't yet read that far - I plan to test 19.05 soon anyway. Will report.
> (I thought the plumbing was - basically - libssh; and, well, ssh itself 
> is capable of dealing with local displays?)
> Tina
> On 15/05/2019 15:06, Chris Samuel wrote:
>> On 15/5/19 3:01 am, Tina Friedrich wrote:
>>> Indeed - am I the only person that finds that quite a bit annoying? A
>>> lot of interactive software works a lot better over things like NX, so
>>> why this limitation?
>> It might be a limitation around the plumbing they use to do this, and 
>> the whole X11 forwarding is reworked in 19.05 so it may be worth testing 
>> that out to see whether that improves things in this area.
>> All the best,
>> Chris

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