The GUI app writes the script to the file in the cwd. I
did exactly what you suggested as my first step in debugging check the
Command= value from the output of 'scontrol show job' to see what script
was actually submitted, and it was the in the cwd.
The user did provide me with some very useful information this
afternoon: The GUI app uses python to launch the job: Here's what the
user wrote to me. OMFIT is the name of the GUI application:
New clue for the mpirun issue: The following information might be
* I modified the script to use |subprocess| submitting the job
directly. The job was submitted, but somehow it returned
NoneZeroError and the |mpiexec| line was skipped.
executable='echo %s',#submit_command,
p=subprocess.Popen('sbatch '+unique_remotedir+'slurm.script',
* As I mentioned above, my standalone python script can normally
submit jobs likewise using |subprocess.Popen| or
||. I created the following script at the working
directory and executed it with the same python version as OMFIT.
It works without skip.
|import sys import os.path import subprocess print(sys.version,
sys.path, subprocess.__file__) p = subprocess.Popen('sbatch
slurm.script', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print(, |
The question is why the same |subprocee.Popen| command works
differently in OMFIT and in the terminal, even if they are called by
the same version |python2.7|.
So now it's unclear whether this is a bug in Python, or Slurm 18.06.6-2.
Since the user can write a python script that does work, I think this is
something specific to the application's environment, rather than an
issue with the Python-Slurm interaction. The main piece of evidence that
this might be a bug in Slurm is that this issue started after the
upgrade from 18.08.5-2 to 18.08.6-2, but correlation doesn't necessarily
mean causation.
On 3/22/19 12:48 PM, Thomas M. Payerle wrote:
Assuming the GUI produced script is as you indicated (I am not sure
where you got the script you showed, but if it is not the actual
script used by a job it might be worthwhile to examine the Command=
file from scontrol show job to verify), then the only thing that
should be different from a GUI submission and a manual submission is
the submission environment. Does the manual submission work if you
add --export=NONE to the sbatch command to prevent the exporting of
environment variables? And maybe add a printenv to the script to see
what environment is in both cases. Though I confess I am unable to
think of any reasonable environmental setting that might cause the
observed symptoms.
On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 11:23 AM Prentice Bisbal <
<>> wrote:
On 3/21/19 6:56 PM, Reuti wrote:
> Am 21.03.2019 um 23:43 schrieb Prentice Bisbal:
>> Slurm-users,
>> My users here have developed a GUI application which serves as
a GUI interface to various physics codes they use. From this GUI,
they can submit jobs to Slurm. On Tuesday, we upgraded Slurm from
18.08.5-2 to 18.08.6-2,and a user has reported a problem when
submitting Slurm jobs through this GUI app that do not occur when
the same sbatch script is submitted from sbatch on the command-line.
>> […]
>> When I replaced the mpirun command with an equivalent srun
command, everything works as desired, so the user can get back to
work and be productive.
>> While srun is a suitable workaround, and is arguably the
correct way to run an MPI job, I'd like to understand what is
going on here. Any idea what is going wrong, or additional steps I
can take to get more debug information?
> Was an alias to `mpirun` introduced? It may cover the real
application and even the `which mpirun` will return the correct
value, but never be executed.
> $ type mpirun
> $ alias mpirun
> may tell in the jobscript.
Unfortunately, the script is in tcsh, so the 'type' command
doesn't work
since, it's a bash built-in function. I did use the 'alias'
command to
see all the defined aliases, and mpirun and mpiexec are not
aliased. Any
other ideas?
Tom Payerle
DIT-ACIGS/Mid-Atlantic Crossroads <>
5825 University Research Park (301) 405-6135
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20740-3831