Slurm is trying to kill the job that is exceeding it's time limit, but the job doesn't die, so Slurm marks the node down because it sees this as a problem with the node. Increasing the value for GraceTime orĀ  KillWait might help:

    Specifies, in units of seconds, the preemption grace time to be
    extended to a job which has been selected for preemption. The
    default value is zero, no preemption grace time is allowed on this
    partition. Once a job has been selected for preemption, its end
    time is set to the current time plus GraceTime. The job's tasks
    are immediately sent SIGCONT and SIGTERM signals in order to
    provide notification of its imminent termination. This is followed
    by the SIGCONT, SIGTERM and SIGKILL signal sequence upon reaching
    its new end time. This second set of signals is sent to both the
    tasks *and* the containing batch script, if applicable. Meaningful
    only for PreemptMode=CANCEL. See also the global *KillWait*
configuration parameter.

    The interval, in seconds, given to a job's processes between the
    SIGTERM and SIGKILL signals upon reaching its time limit. If the
    job fails to terminate gracefully in the interval specified, it
    will be forcibly terminated. The default value is 30 seconds. The
value may not exceed 65533.


On 3/19/19 7:21 AM, Taras Shapovalov wrote:
Hey guys,

When a job max time is exceeded, then Slurm tries to kill the job and fails:

[2019-03-15T09:44:03.589] sched: _slurm_rpc_allocate_resources JobId=1325 NodeList=rn003 usec=355 [2019-03-15T09:44:03.928] prolog_running_decr: Configuration for JobID=1325 is complete
[2019-03-15T09:45:12.739] Time limit exhausted for JobId=1325
[2019-03-15T09:45:44.001] _slurm_rpc_complete_job_allocation: JobID=1325 State=0x8006 NodeCnt=1 error Job/step already completing or completed [2019-03-15T09:46:12.805] Resending TERMINATE_JOB request JobId=1325 Nodelist=rn003 [2019-03-15T09:48:43.000] update_node: node rn003 reason set to: Kill task failed
[2019-03-15T09:48:43.000] update_node: node rn003 state set to DRAINING
[2019-03-15T09:48:43.000] got (nil)
[2019-03-15T09:48:43.816] cleanup_completing: job 1325 completion process took 211 seconds

This happens even on very simple "srun bash" jobs that exceed their time limits. Have you idea what does it mean? Upgrade to the latest did not help.

Best regards,


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