Hi all,

I have a strange behaviour here.
We are using slurm 18.08.5-2 on CentOS 7.6.

Let me first describe our computenodes:
NodeName=ncm[0001-1032]  CPUs=48  Sockets=4 CoresPerSocket=12 ThreadsPerCore=2 RealMemory=185000 Feature=skx8160,hostok,hpcwork                        Weight=10541 State=UNKNOWN

we have the following config set:

$>scontrol show config | grep -i select
SelectType              = select/cons_res

So, I have 48 cores on one node. According to the manpage of sbatch, I should be able to do the following:

#SBATCH --ntasks=48
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48

But I get the following error:
sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Requested node configuration is not available

Has anyone an explanation for this?


Marcus Wagner, Dipl.-Inf.

IT Center
Abteilung: Systeme und Betrieb
RWTH Aachen University
Seffenter Weg 23
52074 Aachen
Tel: +49 241 80-24383
Fax: +49 241 80-624383

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