

On 2/6/19 11:00 AM, Marcus Wagner wrote:
Hi Prentice,

there, I might help.

I've created a table, e.g.:
local userflags = {

   --  "<username>" = {
   --     "bypass"      = 1, # optional, if you want to bypass the submit_plugin    --     "debug"       = 1, # optional, if you want to get debug messages    --     "param"       = 1, # optional, if you want the parameters be printed    --     "submitall"   = 1, # optional, if you should be allowed to submit to all projects    --     "nosubmit"    = 1, # optional, if you should be prohibited to submit at all
   --     "ignorequota" = 1, # optional, if the quota should be ignored
   --                 }
   mw445520 = { bypass      = 0, debug = 0, param = 1, submitall = 0, nosubmit = 0, ignorequota = 0, },


and a debug function, which checks if for username the dub entry is set to 1. It then prints the debug message.

So you can use something like

debug("This is a test message")

and only the users, whose debug flag is set, see this message.
As long as you use "debug" for debugging messages, the "normal" users won't get disturbed.


On 2/6/19 4:04 PM, Prentice Bisbal wrote:
"Dirty debugging" I like that. I'm going to use that from now on. I have tried that method in the past while debugging other issues. I try not to use it too much, since I don't want these "dirty debugging" messages being seen by users (I don't have a test environment, so I have to test debug in production), but it looks like I may have to do that.


On 2/5/19 9:00 AM, mercan wrote:

I think dirty debugging is required using printf (slurm.log_user), because the lua of our slurm installation returns a lot of variables as nil. You can limit the output to a specific user as below:

if job_desc.user_name == "mercan" then


Ahmet M.

On 5.02.2019 01:27, Prentice Bisbal wrote:
Can anyone see an error in this conditional in my job_submit.lua?

    if ( job_desc.user_id == 28922 or job_desc.user_id == 41266 ) and ( job_desc.partition == 'general' or job_desc.partition == 'interruptible' ) then
        job_desc.qos = job_desc.partition
        return slurm.SUCCESS

I am one if those user id's but if I submit a job to partition 'interruptible', without specifying a QOS, it still gets assigned to the default QOS, which is 'general':

 cat mpihello.sbatch

#SBATCH -n 32
#SBATCH -p interruptible
#SBATCH -t 00:01:00
#SBATCH -J mpihello
#SBATCH -o mpihello-%j.out
#SBATCH -e mpihello-%j.err
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

module load gcc/7.3.0
module load openmpi/3.0.0
srun --mpi=pmi2 ./mpihello

$ scontrol show job 433953 | grep QOS
   Priority=2512 Nice=0 Account=unix QOS=general

The logic of that conditional seems pretty simple, and I'm using similar compound conditionals throughout my job_submit.lua script. Can't figure out where the mistake is in this one.

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