Slurm versions 17.11.13 and 18.08.5 are now available, and include a series of recent bug fixes, as well as a fix for a security vulnerability (CVE-2019-6438) on 32-bit systems. We believe that 64-bit builds - the overwhelming majority of installations - of Slurm are not affected by this issue.

Downloads are available at .

While fixes are only available for the supported 17.11 and 18.08 releases, similar vulnerabilities affect 32-bit builds on past versions as well. The only resolution is to upgrade Slurm to a fixed release.

SchedMD customers were informed on January 16th and provided a patch on request; this process is documented in our security policy [1].

Release notes follow below.

- Tim


Tim Wickberg
Chief Technology Officer, SchedMD LLC
Commercial Slurm Development and Support

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