[mahmood@rocks7 ~]$ salloc -n1 hostname
salloc: Granted job allocation 278
salloc: Relinquishing job allocation 278
salloc: Job allocation 278 has been revoked.
[mahmood@rocks7 ~]$

As you can see whenever I run salloc, I see the rocks7 prompt which is the
login node.

this is precisely as expected.  salloc allocates; srun runs.

to get a compute node do this instead:
 salloc srun hostname

if you actually want to srun an interactive shell each time,
why are you not using SallocDefaultCommand as others have suggested?

you earlier mentioned wanting to run an X-requiring script.  why not just:
 salloc --x11 srun ./whateveryourscriptwas

Mark Hahn | SHARCnet Sysadmin | h...@sharcnet.ca | http://www.sharcnet.ca
          | McMaster RHPCS    | h...@mcmaster.ca | 905 525 9140 x24687
          | Compute/Calcul Canada                | http://www.computecanada.ca

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