If that is lost, you can manually set it in slurm.conf with FirstJobId
On 12/24/2018 1:09 AM, Sean Caron wrote:
On Mon, Dec 24, 2018 at 12:13 AM Hanby, Mike <mha...@uab.edu
<mailto:mha...@uab.edu>> wrote:
We installed a new server to take over the duties of the Slurm
master. I imported our accounting database into MySQL, copied
config files etc..
Apparently I missed the “file” that contains the last (or is it
next) JOBID to assign to the next job. The first job submitted to
the new master started at 1.
Where is this information stored / can I manually set it so that
we aren’t starting over / battling duplicate JOBIDs in the
accounting information?
Thanks, MIke
Hi Mike,
You need to copy the files from your configured StateSaveLocation to
the new controller instance to preserve the job IDs and etc.