As multiple aspects of the national Campus Research Computing (CaRCC) Consortium<> continue to move forward, we are ready and excited to invite membership the newly-forming Systems-Facing track within the People Network<>, where research computing and data professionals can engage with one another and within focused discussion tracks. Those interested in joining the CaRCC Systems-facing People Network track should fill in this brief form<> by Friday, December 21. The Systems-Facing track (following the already-formed Researcher-Facing track) will focus on aspects relevant to the execution of research computing and data systems. Topics will likely include, but are not limited to: * Architecture (hardware solutions, cloud integration, VMs, container integration, ...) * Storage systems (file systems, SAN, NAS, NVMe, Burstbuffer, ...) * Networking (data transfer solutions, Infiniband, campus-wide, ...) * Cluster management and configuration (scheduling, accounting and reporting, ...) * Accelerators (GPU, FPGA, …) * Security (auditing, compliance, policies, procedures, …) * User environment (Modules, CUDA, …) The focus of the Systems-Facing track will be determined by the community with co-coordinators acting lightly to help the community self-organize. We will strive to build up a community that: * has open, informal discussions to understand each other’s perspectives and ideas, via a community-desired set of communication channels (e.g. email, slack, monthly virtual discussions) * expands initial discussions into in depth-focused gatherings, virtually or at in-person opportunities * Coordinates with other People Network tracks on discussions that span multiple track focus areas (future anticipated track coverage includes Software, Data, and Stakeholder-Facing topics) The plan is to coexist and leverage existing groups already established such as HPCSYSPROS<>, Educause’s Research Computing Community Group<>, RMACC<>, Internet2 Technology Exchange<>, and many other tech-focused groups in order to bring together a wide set of perspectives. Please help us by forwarding this email to any research cyberinfrastructure staff at your institution, or to any others, who are interested in engaging with similar personnel at U.S. institutions. We look forward to having you and others at your institution in the CaRCC Systems-Facing Track! >From all us us: CaRCC People Network committee, including: Brian D. Haymore, Interim Systems-Facing co-coordinator Alan Silver, Interim Systems-Facing track co-coordinator -- Brian D. Haymore University of Utah Center for High Performance Computing 155 South 1452 East RM 405 Salt Lake City, Ut 84112 Phone: 801-558-1150, Fax: 801-585-5366