All, Ok, I set up a few clusters in slurmdb. They are not federated. I set up some accounts too. One primary for each cluster, plus a few child accounts (project codes)
Something like: sacctmgr add account DevOps Cluster=cluster1,cluster2 sacctmgr -add account projectA Parent=DevOps sacctmgr -add account projectB Parent=DevOps sacctmgr add account Prod Cluster=cluster3 Then I added my user: sacctmgr add user andrus DefaultAccount=DevOps Account=projectA,projectB I set up a LUA that requires the --account option to submit anything. That seems to work, but... I am able to submit using account=projectB on cluster3. ??? Since 'projectB' is a child of account ' DevOps', which is only associated with cluster1 and cluster2, shouldn't I be denied the ability to run using that accout on cluster3? Brian Andrus