On 10/25/2018 07:00 AM, Christopher Samuel wrote:
On 25/10/18 2:29 pm, Christopher Samuel wrote:

Could explain why this isn't something we see consistently, and why we're both seeing it currently.

This seems to be a handy way to find any processes that are not properly constrained by Slurm cgroups on compute nodes (at least in our configuration):

ps --no-headers -eo pid,user,comm,cgroup | egrep -vw 'root|freezer:/slurm.*devices:/slurm.*cpuacct,cpu:/slurm.*memory:/slurm|cpuset:/slurm.*|dbus-daemon|munged|ntpd|gmond|polkitd'

Nice command, Chris! I added a couple of usernames from CentOS 7 as seen below. However, defunct processes seem to escape cgroups, for example:

# ps --no-headers -eo pid,user,comm,cgroup | egrep -vw 'root|freezer:/slurm.*devices:/slurm.*cpuacct,cpu:/slurm.*memory:/slurm|cpuset:/slurm.*|dbus-daemon|munged|ntpd|gmond|polkitd|chrony|smmsp|rpcuser|rpc'
27312 jhwa     mpiex <defunct> -

What should we do about defunct processes and cgroups?


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