I have a single node slurm config on my workstation (18 cores, 256 gb ram, 40 Tb disk space). I recently just extended the array size to its current config and am reconfiguring my LVM logical volumes.
I'm curious on people's thoughts on swap sizes for a node. Redhat these days recommends up to 20% of ram size for swap size, but no less than 4 gb. But......according to slurm faq; "Suspending and resuming a job makes use of the SIGSTOP and SIGCONT signals respectively, so swap and disk space should be sufficient to accommodate all jobs allocated to a node, either running or suspended." So I'm wondering if 20% is enough, or whether it should scale by the number of single jobs I might be running at any one time. E.g. if I'm running 10 jobs that all use 20 gb of ram, and I suspend, should I need 200 gb of swap? any thoughts? -ashton