This is true.  I've seen this happen before in our set up if sacctmgr happens to wedge.  It doesn't happen very frequently though and doesn't impact us that much.  We've been running in this fashion for years now with only very infrequent degradation. We do about 80,000 jobs per day.  Plus we only add them if they don't already exist so the impact is only when new users appear.

-Paul Edmon-

On 09/13/2018 10:48 AM, Douglas Jacobsen wrote:
At one point in time we would also use the job_submit.lua to add users, however, I cannot recommend it in general since job_submit runs while locks are held within slurmcltd, which could have dramatic performance or even functionality impacts if there are delays in adding the user.
Doug Jacobsen, Ph.D.
NERSC Computer Systems Engineer
Acting Group Lead, Computational Systems Group
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center <> <>

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On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 7:40 AM Eric F. Alemany < <>> wrote:

    Hi Paul

    You said

    “Another way would be to make all your Linux users and then map
    that in to Slurm using sacctmgr.”

    I am curious to know how you do that.

    Thank you



    *Eric F. Alemany*
    /System Administrator for Research/

    Division of Radiation & Cancer  Biology
    Department of Radiation Oncology

    Stanford University School of Medicine
    Stanford, California 94305

    Tel:1-650-498-7969 <tel:1-650-498-7969>  No Texting
    Fax:1-650-723-7382 <tel:1-650-723-7382>

    On Sep 13, 2018, at 01:09, Loris Bennett
    < <>>

    Hi Paul,

    I'd be interested in seeing your Lua submit script, if you're
    willing to

    Until now I had thought that the most elegant way of setting up Slurm
    users would be via a PAM module analogous to pam_mkhomedir, the
    option being to use pam_script.

    However, given that we do have users who somehow never get round to
    submitting a job before their HPC access expires, setting up the
    account when the first job is submitted seems quite appealing.



    Paul Edmon <
    <>> writes:

    So useradd is adding a Linux user, which sacctmgr creates a
    Slurm user.

    What we do is that we run AD for our Linux user managment. We
    then in our job submit lua script look to see if the user has an
    account in slurm and if they don't we create it.

    Another way would be to make all your Linux users and then map
    that in to Slurm using sacctmgr.

    It really depends on if your Slurm users are a subset of your
    regular users or not.

    -Paul Edmon-

    On 9/12/2018 12:21 PM, Andre Torres wrote:

    Hi all,

    I’m new to slurm and I’m confused regarding user creation. I
    have an installation with 1 login node and 5 compute nodes. If I
    create a user across all the nodes with the same uid and gid I
    can execute jobs but
    I can’t understand the difference between user creation with
    “useradd” command and the “sacctmgr” command

    sacctmgr create account name=test

    sacctmgr create user jdoe account=test

    Also, is there anyway of creating a user at login node and
    replicate to the compute nodes ? What is the best practice for
    user creation ?

    Thanks in advance

-- Dr. Loris Bennett (Mr.)
    ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email <>

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