On 08/29/2018 04:59 PM, Chris Samuel wrote:
On Thursday, 30 August 2018 12:45:51 AM AEST Brian W. Johanson wrote:

In your example, you do not have enough memory for both sruns at the same
Nice spot, I think I was thinking in mem-per-task (which doesn't exist) then!

Unfortunately fixing it doesn't seem to resolve the issue, both these changed
versions have the same result:

---------------8< snip snip 8<---------------
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4g

srun -n1 --mem-per-cpu=500m sleep 5 &
srun -n1 --mem-per-cpu=1g hostname
---------------8< snip snip 8<---------------

srun: Job 1244182 step creation temporarily disabled, retrying

---------------8< snip snip 8<---------------
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4g

srun -n1 --mem-per-cpu=250m sleep 5 &
srun -n1 --mem-per-cpu=500m hostname
---------------8< snip snip 8<---------------

srun: Job 1244183 step creation temporarily disabled, retrying
srun: Step created for job 1244183

All the best,

That's interesting,  those examples work for me on 17.11.7, I am not sure what's stopping you now.

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