My test script is like this:
#SBATCH -p low
#SBATCH --comment test
#SBATCH -n 5
#SBATCH -o log/%j.loop
#SBATCH -e log/%j.loop

sleep 2100
echo "step 3 over"
If I get rid of srun and run sleep directly, the phenomenon is the same.
In addition, I did not enable the two parameters of MpiDefault and MpiParams in 
the configuration file slurm.conf.
so, what is the possible reason for this problem?

From: Artem Polyakov
Date: 2018-08-22 06:02
To: Slurm User Community List
CC: slurm-users
Subject: Re: [slurm-users] Job cannot start on slurm v18.08.0pre2

I can try to tell from PMIx/UCX perspective.
Do you have "MPI=pmix" parameter in your slurm.conf or have you specified 
"--mpi=pmix" in your srun command? If not - you are not running PMIx and thus 
UCX (UCX support is only in the PMIx plugin).
I think this is confirmed by the log output that you have provided, I don't see 
any traces of PMIx plugin.

пт, 17 авг. 2018 г. в 20:43, zhangtao102...@126.com <zhangtao102...@126.com>:
I have installed SLURM 18.08.0-0pre2 on a my cluster based on RHEL7.4 (x86_64).
My configure parameters likes this: 
./configure --prefix=/opt/slurm17 --with-munge=/opt/munge --with-pmix=/opt/pmix 
--with-ucx=/opt/openucx --with-hwloc=/usr 
(openucx version is 1.5.0, pmix version is 3.0.0, hwloc version is 1.11.8)

After completing the installation and configuration, it looks like slurm is 
working normally. But when I submitted a simple test job with sbatch 
sleep.sh(just call srun sleep 30 at single computing node), I found that the 
job (ID=1032) state was R, but the job did not start normally on the 
computation node (no process found).

The appendix is the output log of the computing node of the management node.
I can't tell if the cause of this problem is related to the compilation 
parameters I specify (such as pmix, ucx), and I've never seen anything similar 
in earlier versions.
Has anyone ever responded to a similar phenomenon with me? How to solve the 

Best regards


С Уважением, Поляков Артем Юрьевич
Best regards, Artem Y. Polyakov

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