On 27 July 2018 at 03:13, Michael Robbert <mrobb...@mines.edu> wrote:

> The line that you list from your slurm.conf shows the "course" partition
> being set as the default partition, but on our system the sinfo command
> shows our default partition with a * at the end and your output doesn't
> show that so I'm wondering if you've got another partition that is getting
> defined as the default partition.
> Can you post the full output of 'sinfo -a' and maybe the output of 'grep
> -i ^Partition /etc/slurm/slurm.conf' would help us debug as well.

I've done this in the past as well. As Michael has noted, most likely
scenario is that more that one PartitionName line in your slurm.conf has

Only the last listed (I think) will be Default.


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