On 31 May 2018 at 10:23, Lachlan Musicman <data...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hola
> According to the documentation, the slurm munge rpm will be built if the
> munge libraries are installed.
> In CentOS 7.4 I have munge, munge-devel and munge-libs install, via yum.
> The libs are in /usr/lib64, the bins are in /usr/bin, the daemon is in
> /usr/sbin.
> Neither machine on which I run `rpmbuild -ta slurm-version.tar.gz` creates
> the slurm-munge rpm.
> Creating a /root/.rpmmacro with
> %with_munge "--with-munge=/usr/lib64"
> Also doesn't work.
> Munge is started and working - systemctl status munge returns "Active:
> active (running)" as I'd expect.
> When I redirect the rpmbuild stdout I see
> checking for munge installation... /usr
> there is a lot of making various slurm munge .a's etc.
> Ah. Further down I see
> Obsoletes: slurm-lua slurm-munge slurm-plugins
> slurm-munge is obsoleted?
> What am I doing wrong?

Ok. It looks like the docs are out of date.

If I grab the built slurm-17.11.7-1.el7.x86_64.rpm and run it through
rpm2cpio | cpio -idmv, sure enough I can find auth_munge.so and
crypto_munge.so in usr/lib64/slurm.

Looks like the slurm-munge rpm has been refactored away.


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