Got it! It was the firewall...

Thanks to all for all the suggestions.


Graduate Coordinator
Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Alabama
3448 SEC, Box 870203
Tuscaloosa, AL  35487
(205) 348-1733 (phone)
(205) 561-7450 (cell)
(205) 348-7558 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: slurm-users [] On Behalf Of 
Andy Riebs
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [slurm-users] network/communication failure

Do you have a firewall running?

On 05/21/2018 11:05 AM, Turner, Heath wrote:
> If anyone has advice, I would really appreciate...
> I am running (just installed) slurm-11.17.6, with a master + 2 hosts.  It 
> works locally on the master (controller + execution).  However, I cannot 
> establish communication from master [triumph01] with the 2 hosts 
> [triumph02,triumph03].  Here is some more info:
> 1. munge is running, and munge verification tests all pass.
> 2. system clocks are in sync on master/hosts.
> 3. identical slurm.conf files are on master/hosts.
> 4. configuration of resources (memory/cpus/etc) are correct and have been 
> confirmed on all machines (all hardware is identical).
> 5. I have attached:
>       a) slurm.conf
>       b) log file from master slurmctld
>       c) log file from host slurmd
> Any ideas about what to try next?
> Heath Turner
> Professor
> Graduate Coordinator
> Chemical and Biological Engineering
> University of Alabama
> 3448 SEC, Box 870203
> Tuscaloosa, AL  35487
> (205) 348-1733 (phone)
> (205) 561-7450 (cell)
> (205) 348-7558 (fax)

Andy Riebs
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
High Performance Computing Software Engineering
+1 404 648 9024
My opinions are not necessarily those of HPE
     May the source be with you!

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