
if you are compiling slurm 17.11.5 the --x11 option will be in only if libssh2.so is installed before.
Otherwise there will be no such option.


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On Tue, 15 May 2018, Ian Mortimer wrote:

On Mon, 2018-05-14 at 23:14 +0430, Mahmood Naderan wrote:

I see --x11 option in [1], but there isn't any such option. Is that
for old versions? Also, there is a wrapper [2] for srun.x11. Is there
any builtin x11 support in slurm?

There is native X11 support in slurm but after testing it and reading
the list archives, I decided it wasn't reliable enough to use in
production and reverted to using the spank plugin which does work

Are you using rocks?  I can send some instructions for installing the
X11 spank plugin on rocks if you're interested.


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