Good morning

As you mentioned right now I have 1 master and 4 nodes and couple post-docs. I 
think we can manage it without the SQL ( MariaDB) accounting feature.
I read in the schedmd website that I can use a text file instead of the sql 
I will still need to found out how to configure that. But today, I'll be 
upgrading my master and nodes to ubuntu 18.04.


Eric F.  Alemany
System Administrator for Research

Division of Radiation & Cancer  Biology
Department of Radiation Oncology

Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, California 94305

Tel:1-650-498-7969<tel:1-650-498-7969>  No Texting

On Apr 26, 2018, at 06:41, Patrick Goetz 
<<>> wrote:

I don't think the problem Chris is referring to (a SQL injection attack) is 
going to apply to you because you're way too small to need to worry about Slurm 
accounting, but if it is a concern, install the distro packages; confirm that 
things are roughly working and then just take note of how things are set up.  
You can use

  dpkg -L <package_name>

to see what files are installed where, and the initial install will tell you 
what package dependencies are being pulled in.  This will help you do a setup 
from the tarball.

Oh, and it is possible that the Ubuntu package will helpfully turn on the 
slurmdbd for you.  Find out what service it's running as (slurmdbd.service?) 
and mask it:

 systemctl stop slurmdbd
 systemctl mask slurmdbd

Disclaimer:  I don't currently use the Slurm accounting system and have no idea 
how it is set up, so the instructions above are likely entirely incorrect.

On 04/25/2018 07:11 PM, Eric F. Alemany wrote:
Hi Chris,
Thank you for the update(s). It is what it is - right ?
*Eric F.  Alemany*
/System Administrator for Research/
Division of Radiation & Cancer  Biology
Department of Radiation Oncology
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, California 94305
Tel:1-650-498-7969 <tel:1-650-498-7969>No Texting
Fax:1-650-723-7382 <tel:1-650-723-7382>
On Apr 25, 2018, at 5:03 PM, Christopher Samuel 
<<> <>> wrote:

On 26/04/18 09:58, Christopher Samuel wrote:

Most importantly you will want to be sure that they have backported the
patch to close CVE-2018-7033 (fixed in 17.11.5).

Went and found their sources, there is no mention of this being fixed
in the proposed version, so it seems that bionic will ship Slurm with
this CVE unpatched. :-(

According to:

it is listed as still "needs triage".

Also unfixed in any Debian release too.

Chris Samuel  :  :  Melbourne, VIC

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