Hi Mahmood,

On 18/04/18 16:55, Mahmood Naderan wrote:

Is there any way to report the time columns only in minutes and not
the auto mode? I mean

$ sacct -a -X -j 56 --format=elapsed,cputime
    Elapsed    CPUTime
---------- ----------
1-01:07:36 33-12:03:12

means 1 day, 1 hour, 7 minutes and 36 seconds. Does sacct have any
option for that or I have to write a script for that?!

There is a SLURM_TIME_FORMAT environment variable you can set but I don't believe this affects either Elapsed or CPUTime.

I think your only option is to process the output from this command, perhaps using ElapsedRaw and CPUTimeRAW if that makes things easier.

Simon Flood
HPC System Administrator
University of Cambridge Information Services
United Kingdom

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